dir. Christopher Nolan
148 min.
I'll Be Honest...
I'm upset with you. You are sitting there, twiddling your thumbs, reading this review when you should be in your nearest movie theater right now watching this movie. How dare you! Don't you know that this is the best movie to have been released in the past couple years?? Don't you know that it's directed by Christopher Nolan, the man who directed Memento, Batman Begins and, oh yeah, a little movie called The Dark Knight??
"Inception" stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb, a man of considerable talents, for he knows how best to navigate the inner workings of the mind and thus makes him great for what's called "extraction," the removal of ideas from the mind. "Huh?" you might ask? Well yes indeedy this movie falls under the science fiction category. But it's more cerebral than special effects. It's set in the mind, not in outer space. And instead of space aliens shooting lasers at you, it's fragments of the subconscious acting like white brain cells, protecting anything foreign. But while Cobb and his team are great at "extraction," they are hired to do an "inception;" specifically, instead of stealing an idea from the mind they have to insert an idea. Supposedly it can't be done, but Cobb believes it can be, and if he ever wants to see his family again he must take on this near-impossible job no matter what the costs.
"Inception" shows Cobb and his team going through the target's dream, then they go through the dream within the dream, and then further down they go into a dream within a dream within a dream. The movie is not as complicated as it sounds if you pay attention, and believe me, you won't stop staring at the screen. In fact, give your annoying little brother $5 to sit behind you and continuously add eye drops. Oh yeah, throw in an extra $3 to wipe the drool away, because your jaw will be hung open the entire time. Your body will literally be on the edge of the movie seat, even though that's where you'll find gum smooshed into the seat half the time. You won't care. You'll be too tense from the suspense. You'll be too busy thinking about which dream they are actually in. You'll be too busy shaking from the heavy bass score that permeates the film. You'll be too busy caring about characters that only exist on the screen but you'd swear you'd do anything to help them. You'll just be too everything.
So I'll be honest..."Inception" is a monumental achievement in cinema. You'll hear others say "Eh, it was ok, but nothing special," and all I can say to that is: those people are wrong. This is a movie to be experienced. It is a movie to see, to enjoy, to ponder, to talk about, to share, to own, to check out at your library (and make no mistake, I will personally make sure that the libraries in your area have enough copies so you can watch it twice without worrying about someone's hold bringing the item back right away). The movie is more than enjoyable, it is beautiful.
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